Year 5 Home Learning

Google classroom 

We have prepared a Google Classroom for you to access at home. We will use Classroom to upload our weekly spellings and any other home learning activities. Classroom will also be used to upload work if you are isolating. 

To access this you will need to log in to use your school email. 

Go to

This will take you to the Google Classroom page. You will need to sign in to Year 5 2020/2021 using your child's school email. Your child will know their email, the format of the email should be

Once this is entered, you will need to use the password. To ensure security, these are currently being updated. The new password will be forwarded to you. 


Once you have entered the password, you should see the Year 5 folder icon, if not, click on the three lines on the far left top corner, this will give you a drop down list of available classrooms. To join the Year 5 class, you will need to enter the following code




This is case sensitive.

Great, you should now see our class page!

Staff can see as children join the class. The content in the classroom is available to all, staff will receive notifications when a student adds content.

You are able to leave messages and ask questions, but it is important to remember that our normal classroom rules for respectful behaviour will still apply when using Google Classroom.


If you require paper or writing equipment, please contact the school.  

Other useful websites and activities linked to our learning. 


 TT Rockstars and Bedrock. 

Click on the link below to access:


Practical Ideas for Home

Maths Activity Book