About the Local Governing Body
The Diss Primary Academy Partnership (DPAP) is part of the Diocese of Norwich St Benet’s Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) and has one Local Governing Body, which has been in place since July 2019.
Our Local Governing Body consists of 6 Trust Appointed Governors, 2 Parent
Governors, 1 Staff Governor and the Headteacher. St Benet’s MAT staff governors are appointed by staff election and Parent Governors by Parent Election. (Please see our Meet the Members section to find out more information about our Governing body.)
All of the Governors are volunteers and work together and with the school staff team to share their skills and experience for the benefit of the well-being and achievement of all the children in both academies.
What we do:
The three core functions for governance in all academies are :
• Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
• Holding the Executive Leaders to account for the educational performance of the
organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
• Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is
well spent.
Primary responsibility for these functions is held by the Trust Board of Trustees, but it
delegates responsibilities to the Local Governing Body (LGB) of each academy via a
document called a Scheme of Delegation.
Our Local Governing Body consists of 6 Trust Appointed Governors, 2 Parent
Governors, 1 Staff Governor and the Headteacher (Please see our 'Meet the Members' section to find out a bit more about the Governing Body).
Our Responsibilities:
The Governors work in various ways through governors’ meetings and meetings with our school leaders. We contribute to the strategic leadership of the Diss Primary Academy Partnership. We do like to visit and meet with academy leaders, attend academy events and meet children and staff. We support, ask questions and challenge but are not there to act like inspectors or to be involved in the day to day running of the academies.
The main responsibilities of the Governing Body are:
- To ensure clarity of the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the Academy Partnership.
- To hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the Academies and their pupils.
- To oversee the financial performance of the Academy Partnership and making sure
its money is well spent.
How we work:
We have full Governing Body Meetings twice each term where we hear from the
headteacher about the impact of the work in the academies and the progress towards the DPAP development plans. Sometimes staff will come and give presentations about teaching approaches and new resources. Governors also check that legal requirements are being met and monitor the school budget and school buildings and grounds.
Sub-Committee meetings are held termly and are an opportunity to get more in depth
information to summarise and report back to the full governing body.
These are:
- Resources Committee covering finance, premises IT and health and safety.
- Standards and Curriculum covering teaching, learning and safeguarding.
- Ethos and Community covering RE, Christian distinctiveness, Collective Worship, engagement with staff, pupils’ parents and community.
At these meetings academy and Trust Policies are approved and adopted and sometimes members of the staff team come to talk about new resources or approaches such as assessment, math's teaching and pupils’ achievement.