
Diss Primary Academy Partnership is committed to working alongside the local community to protect our environment. As part of this commitment, we have registered with the Eco-Schools organisation. This is a world wide programme which empowers pupils, raises environmental awareness, improves the school environment and can also lead to financial saving. We will follow a simple Seven Step framework. Each step will allow us to progress through the award system: Bronze Award, Silver Award, and then Green Flag!

The programme focuses on ten important environmental topics:

  1. Biodiversity
  2. Energy
  3. Global Citizenship
  4. Healthy Living
  5. Litter
  6. Marine
  7. School Grounds
  8. Transport
  9. Waste
  10. Water


The children will be the ones to identify the areas where we can begin to improve and will devise an action plan to help us succeed.

 o begin our journey, we have pledged to support ‘Keep Britain Tidy’ in their annual ‘Great British Spring Clean’. The children will be given the opportunity to support the aim to clear litter from our streets, parks and beaches by joining in with a school grounds litter pick. 

We believe that parents and carers are important members of our wider school community too, please keep an eye out for Eco-Schools updates. In due course, you will also receive details of an opportunity to join us in our litter picking and to help us move one step closer to our first award. 

Together, we will make Diss Primary Academy Partnership a Green Flag school!  

What are Eco-Schools?
The Great British Spring Clean