Online Safety

During these difficult times you will find that your child is spending more time online than they previously would have been, therefore it is important for you to know that your child is keeping safe, just as you would if they were out and about, crossing the road or meeting up with others. Although they are sat in front of a screen inside the comfort of a familiar setting, there is a big wide online world out there that no-one can guarantee is completely safe 24/7.

Here are some resources that will give you some more information on how you can help to keep your child safe when using the internet at home...


Image result for internet safety centre        Image result for childnet


This website below has some age specific child friendly video clips that you can share and discuss with your child...

 Image result for think you know

And if you do come across anything suspicious here is somewhere that you can report your concerns to...

 Image result for nspcc internet safety


Whatever you do, remember to all stay internet SMART!

Image result for internet safety